SAMUR (110051S)

Place Bid

Standing At: Willowbank Farm

Loan Lurie

C/O WillowBank

PO Box 551

Simpsonville, KY



(502) 722-8073

Booking Fee  
Stallion Service Fee


Transported Semen: Yes
Additional Fees Booking Fee $250.00 Collection $400.00 Per Shipment
Link to Contract:  
Starting Bid: $1375.00
Current Bid: $2550.00
Winning Bidder: Randy McBride
Nominations: Futuries as requested
Comments: Samur is the only son of the great breeding stallion Roseridge Heir who is now standing to the public. He is a full brother to World's Champion The Rose Lady and he has six Hall of Fame Broodmares in his pedigree on his dam's side. Roseridge Heir is the sire of World's Champions Have You Ever, James Lewis, Himalaya, Miss Outta My Way, Heir Dazzle and Linkin Park to name a few. Samur is a beautiful stallion with a long, extremely arched neck. He is an athletic and gifted horse.